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miAmi...The fastest rise in rental prices in the country.
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Today in SERDNA TALKS we are going to talk about the rental market in Miami Florida.

 In 2022, Miami had the fastest spike of rental costs in the last two years, reaching the highest level ever in February 2022. The median rent across the United States is $1,792, 17% higher than in 2021. Despite this, many newcomers continue to enter the city every day. Rent should never surpass 30% of the scheduled income in order to have financial stability, but due to the pandemic, incoming migration caused Miami to have a median rent of $2,929. If you plan on conducting your business in an even more affordable location, a number of areas remain where you could rent reasonably: Oklahoma City, Denver, Washington, DC, and St. Louis. Don't overlook the need to consider the renter's credit when looking for a reasonably priced spot.

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